6 ingredients


Add the barely warm water, yeast, sugar, melted butter, and salt to the bowl of a stand mixer and stir together briefly.

Stir flour into the yeast mixture and blend on low speed until well combined. Add some oil to the bowl, flipping the dough over once, to coat it. Cover the bowl with a warm damp towel and set aside in a draft-free warm place to rise until doubled in size, about 1 hour.

Punch down the dough and transfer to a lightly floured surface. Divide dough by cutting it in half, then in half again.

Cut the 4 pieces into thirds to make 12 equal pieces.

Roll each piece of dough into 6 or 7-inch long sticks and place them on the prepared baking pans. Cover and rise for about 30 – 45 minutes. Then bake in the preheated oven.

Optional – For the topping: In a small bowl, stir together melted butter, garlic powder, coarse salt, and oregano.

Using a pastry brush, spread the garlic butter on the warm baked bread sticks and serve warm.

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